"Ideas, Like Diseases, Spread Infectiously Between People Before Eventually Dying Out" - In Other Words - Sell Zuckerburg Sell!

  • "Ideas, Like Diseases, Spread Infectiously Between People Before Eventually Dying Out" - In Other Words - Sell Zuckerburg Sell!


    Have you noticed how all your friends mums spend a lot of time talking about Facebook? It’s really very unappealing sharing your social life with your auntie (and all tabloid journalists should anything ever go wrong) isn’t it?

    But it’s bastard hard to argue with this isn’t it?


    But people are starting to, thank god. Check this boring chart -


    What all this says (US only survey) is that kids are leaving Facebook in droves (high school students down nearly 60% from 7.3 M to 3M in 2011). Why? Because its 80% up among over 55s. So its not cool to play where your grandparents do.

    Now these stats are from Facebooks own ad data, but as if to reinforce it researchers from Princeton predict that at current rates of decline on Google Search (mapped against what happened to MySpace) Facebook will lose 80% of its base as soon as 2017.  Whilst we might be tempted to suggest that every man (and his dog if he can work a smartphone) already knows where to find it, there is a certain “sticking it to the man” joy in repeating their analysis. That would make for quite a fire sale on shares wouldn’t it?

    Dream Baby Dream. Could Google (company slogan “as evil as we wanna be”) be next?




Submitted by Site Factory admin on


Have you noticed how all your friends mums spend a lot of time talking about Facebook? It’s really very unappealing sharing your social life with your auntie (and all tabloid journalists should anything ever go wrong) isn’t it?

But it’s bastard hard to argue with this isn’t it?


But people are starting to, thank god. Check this boring chart -


What all this says (US only survey) is that kids are leaving Facebook in droves (high school students down nearly 60% from 7.3 M to 3M in 2011). Why? Because its 80% up among over 55s. So its not cool to play where your grandparents do.

Now these stats are from Facebooks own ad data, but as if to reinforce it researchers from Princeton predict that at current rates of decline on Google Search (mapped against what happened to MySpace) Facebook will lose 80% of its base as soon as 2017.  Whilst we might be tempted to suggest that every man (and his dog if he can work a smartphone) already knows where to find it, there is a certain “sticking it to the man” joy in repeating their analysis. That would make for quite a fire sale on shares wouldn’t it?

Dream Baby Dream. Could Google (company slogan “as evil as we wanna be”) be next?




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