Shaking My Moneymaker Ain’t Ever Made Me a Dime.

  • Shaking My Moneymaker Ain’t Ever Made Me a Dime.

    We don’t follow Nashville country that closely, so we didn’t even know they had a brostep equivalent going on… apparently bro-try has been a big deal recently.

    Bro-try being lots of country songs about picking up girls in short shorts in your pick up. A simple formula set over chug-a-lug mainstream rock beats and perpetrated by people like Jason Aldean, Luke Bryan and Florida Georgia Line and the brilliantly named Cole Swindell. All of whom often find themselves at the top of the charts.

    Country has always had a bit of a tradition about the girls answering back – consider Loretta Lynn for example and her brilliant record The Pill and now Maddie and Tae have had a proper crack back at the fellas.

    “I got a name, and to you it ain’t pretty little babe” is pretty blunt.

    The vid is well worth a look for a laugh and there are some pretty good lines in there too including “shaking my moneymaker ain’t ever made me a dime”

    As they say at the start ”no country music was harmed in the making of this song” But it’s good to see there’s thought there with Taylor, Kacey Musgraves and now these two. And the fact that it went to #1 in the states is pretty cool too.

    I guess now they’ll get that respect .. and it’ll be big dollars, not dimes.

Submitted by Site Factory admin on

We don’t follow Nashville country that closely, so we didn’t even know they had a brostep equivalent going on… apparently bro-try has been a big deal recently.

Bro-try being lots of country songs about picking up girls in short shorts in your pick up. A simple formula set over chug-a-lug mainstream rock beats and perpetrated by people like Jason Aldean, Luke Bryan and Florida Georgia Line and the brilliantly named Cole Swindell. All of whom often find themselves at the top of the charts.

Country has always had a bit of a tradition about the girls answering back – consider Loretta Lynn for example and her brilliant record The Pill and now Maddie and Tae have had a proper crack back at the fellas.

“I got a name, and to you it ain’t pretty little babe” is pretty blunt.

The vid is well worth a look for a laugh and there are some pretty good lines in there too including “shaking my moneymaker ain’t ever made me a dime”

As they say at the start ”no country music was harmed in the making of this song” But it’s good to see there’s thought there with Taylor, Kacey Musgraves and now these two. And the fact that it went to #1 in the states is pretty cool too.

I guess now they’ll get that respect .. and it’ll be big dollars, not dimes.

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